May 22, 2023

April 4 of this year was just like any other morning in Odenville, Alabama. Commuters were headed to work; children were headed to school. There was nothing in particular to make that day one to remember for the small southern community, and thanks to a truck driver, it would stay that way.
See, like all mornings, people were running late to work, and when people are running late to work, they try to make up the time with very questionable driving decisions. For one black sedan, that meant speeding past a school bus as children were about to cross the street and load onto the bus. The children didn’t see the car, nor did the car see the children; but Ty McDanal, perched in his semi-cab, saw it all.
Immediately sensing impending disaster, McDanal sprang to action, turning his truck into the path of the sedan and blocking it from speeding past the bus, allowing the children to safely cross the street and board unscathed. The entire incident was caught on video by a local commuter who, like McDanal, saw what was transpiring and momentarily braced herself for a tragedy. But because of the quick actions of the truck and its driver, she was overcome with relief and gratitude. She followed McDanal to his next stop to thank him for being a hero.
Here’s the thing: Ty McDanal’s maneuver wasn’t out of the ordinary. Every day, truckers on the road, here and across the globe, make a difference in our lives—whether it’s something as as edging in front of a speeding car to protect children or simply doing their jobs and delivering the goods we rely on to live comfortable lives.
Think about it: without truckers, we wouldn’t have:
· fuel
· food
· medical supplies
· clothing
The list goes on and on! Whatever it is that you need to survive is more or less brought to you by truckers. Add in the actions of individuals like Ty McDanal and you don’t just have truckers, you have heroes.
At Trans Lines, none of this is lost on us. We treat truckers like heroes for one simple reason: they are! But recognition without recompense is empty talk. That’s why we offer some of the most competitive benefits in the industry. What’s more, we know life happens on and off the road, and we go out of our way to make sure your needs are met, not just as a driver, but as an individual with a life at home.
Are you sick of working for a trucking company that doesn’t recognize your contributions to society? Have you never been behind the wheel of a big rig but want a career that makes a difference in people’s lives? Trans Lines has dedicated lanes open for drivers who want more in a trucking company and more in a career. Join us on the road: together, we can be heroes!